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Law Handbook
Illinois Park District Law Handbook 8th Edition! 

The Illinois Park District Law Handbook consolidates the body of complex laws impacting park districts into a single, user-friendly volume that explains these statutes, codes, and regulations in layman’s terms. Every commissioner, local counsel, and upper-level professional should have a copy of the Law Handbook at their fingertips when making park district decisions.

Hundreds of laws impacting park districts have been approved since the last edition was released in 2014. In addition to eleven chapters that include nearly 50 more pages of additional content, the new edition contains 23 legal sample forms.

We are excited to announce that the Illinois Park District Law Handbook is available electronically for the first time ever! 

Order either the Park District Law Handbook or e-book for only $55.00. Order both a book and e-book and save $10.*

IAPD Member Price is $55.